queer expansion of womb = woom as sacred safe space of primary protection ><
To have z quality of Woomness is to hold an embodied space for vulnerability, receptivity, listening, where new forms of life, love, & creation can sprout. Wooming can be : attuning to cycles, getting soft, diving deep as ocean dancing in a drop, spaciously taking all z time needed, & giving without expectation {seeing wider that this is serving all}.
Woomz are z most sacred spaces there are in this physical incarnate form, the nexus interfacing material & spiritual. Innocence immanates / life leaps from woomz, so for them to be cared for is to care for what is coming, an investment in future freedom. Upon completion of ‘Trauma through a child’s eyes’ I viscerally realize that so much begins in z before born & in birthing : of children, creations, or concepts. Ideally what we ensoul in flesh / physicality is material manifestation of deep loving relationship.
Walking in this whirld with/as a woom does not necessitate having female reproductive organs. AnyBody can choose to carry woom space, & indeed many of z woomz I have z privilege of associating with were not assigned female at birth. .
We all need practice in holding Woomz well.
Will you protect & tend woomspace with me? How do you tend your woom?
Through Healing Harvest from Harm I am in z tender practice of opening & healing my woomz {physical, energetic, spiritual}. I welcome you to describe your woomtending methods to help guide z care & keeping {& purrrhaps sharing in right relation & respect} my woomz. .
Blessed bee.elated international womb.ins day {keeping its own schedule}. .
. 📸 @robertdomondon