Attunement Academy

Attunement Academy teaches Spaceholding Skillbuilding.

Attunement Academy is composed of :: 


Guide for Guides : Ethical Psychedelic Spaceholding

Empathetic Edutainment :

Integration ARTifacts :

A breakdown Sanctuary


Trip Report

Attunement is a therapeutic term describing the process of presence – how to accompany another in heart-centered attention. Attunement is meeting another wherever you may find them, in depths of challenge, or at peaks of pleasure, and responding in resonance with their state – tenderly attentive, so that they fully feel felt and cared for. Attunement is accompanying another compassionately, embodying fondness and genuine care for others wellbeing, so that they can internalize what is modelled by the spaceholder : proactive  positive self-regard & secure attachment, thus growing empathy for themselves and finding peace in process.