queer expansion of womb = woom as sacred safe space of primary protection ><
To have z quality of Woomness is to hold an embodied space for vulnerability, receptivity, listening, where new forms of life, love, & creation can sprout. Wooming can be : attuning to cycles, getting soft, diving deep as ocean dancing in a drop, spaciously taking all z time needed, & giving without expectation {seeing wider that this is serving all}.
Woomz are z most sacred spaces there are in this physical incarnate form, the nexus interfacing material & spiritual. Innocence immanates / life leaps from woomz, so for them to be cared for is to care for what is coming, an investment in future freedom. Upon completion of ‘Trauma through a child’s eyes’ I viscerally realize that so much begins in z before born & in birthing : of children, creations, or concepts. Ideally what we ensoul in flesh / physicality is material manifestation of deep loving relationship.
Walking in this whirld with/as a woom does not necessitate having female reproductive organs. AnyBody can choose to carry woom space, & indeed many of z woomz I have z privilege of associating with were not assigned female at birth. .
We all need practice in holding Woomz well.
Will you protect & tend woomspace with me? How do you tend your woom?
Through Healing Harvest from Harm I am in z tender practice of opening & healing my woomz {physical, energetic, spiritual}. I welcome you to describe your woomtending methods to help guide z care & keeping {& purrrhaps sharing in right relation & respect} my woomz. .
Blessed bee.elated international womb.ins day {keeping its own schedule}. .
. đ¸ @robertdomondon
Wakinyan cane
Restoration : planting north pole of wakinyan cane >< Strengthening spine, acupuncture point of planet activated again >< backbone of Gaia, returning to reign >< Dreaming of Perkunas, playing Heyoka role now main >< Pachamama incarnate initiating into condor lineage â awareness attain >< Fully felt in my medicine, welcoming rain >< acknowledgement of essence as water & sensing skills made plain >< cracking egg open : purity in power, embodiedâŚexplain >< instructed from the following not to refrain >< hands giving blessings, tears anointing, new methodologies gain >< Singing to waters : offering healing, taking away pain >< >< >< Lithuanian lullabies hushing harmful ways, nightmares passing away in peace >< Evolution is collective, may delusions cease >< living lucid dream awake â reveling rapturous release >< Waterbodies contact, Fluid attentiveness, swim deeper – shedding sense of self in peace >< Presence in pressure, comforting the beast >< unfurrow, unfurl, guardedness cease >< Open, surrender, Release the Crease >< >< >< #wakinyan #thunder #gaia #earthmedicine #planet #biosphere #earthspirit #medicinewoman #godofthunder #heyoka #pachamama #earthguardians #gridwork #prophecy #sacred #naturespirit #elemental #waterbody #waterwoman #ascension #water #ceremony #spell #ritual #blessings #healinghands #natureheals #earthhealing #earthmedicine #naturemedicine
Have you nourished your animal today?
Humanimal ~ have you nourished your animal today? Feeding your body is more then feasting on food
< physical sustenance also includes : sleep, hydration, movement, supportive touch, and breathing deeply . < reciently a consent company collaborator complimented me with âyouâre a good animalâ . < this feedback emerged after being observed enagaing in my simple âbackgroundâ routine self care habits which include hydration, honed eating patterns, and stretching frequently (normalizing movement as we continued to dialogue regarding our business). . < this led to reflection on how contrary to the norm my tuned in body behaviors are. . < These alternative methods of self care were made possible through arduous journeys developing the personal courage to listen to my body’s communication. . < This inner listening is a deep practice when the default is uncomfortable stillness and ignoring or suppressing senate needs (or not even cultivating awareness of body needs in the first place). this contrast catalyzed the realization that our animal bodies hunger for a new culture becond the deficit default. . < { I often cause stretch and dance scenes in public that materialize around my solo somatic self care seeds } . < Along this vein of thought, and through my own path of excavating and expressing traumas in my body I created a dance massage bodywork style called SomasenZ. One of the purposes of SomasenZ is to help expand access to safe abundant loving touch. I believe having plenty of mutually satisfying platonic touch available will bring peace to this planet through reconnecting us with embodied empathy ~ cultivating compassion for our shared physicality as collective corpus mundi. I continue to deepen into the understanding that bodywork is just one application for the core practice of dilating the whole body as a sense organ of awareness. I am deeply excited to be actively accomplishing one of my major life purposes in teaching others this SomasenZ skill I have developed over a lifetime of being somatically sensitive. >< Continued in comments ><
Blessed Samhain >< all saints / martyrs >< we did not burn in vain :: Memories haunt : too many lives to name :: Medicine Keepers Slandered, Persecuted by law, Jailed in blame :
Stoned, Hung, Hunted, Systematically Slain :
ancestral wounding carries shadow sorrow & stain : & : yet knowing magic workings ov this earthly plane : = :
Body can be bound but soul none can restrain :
Healing harvest from pain :
Patterns of culture we must retrain :
Speaking plain :
Now is z time for earth tenders to reign :
Reclaiming lifestyles safe sacred sexy & sane : { In this new year all Emboding z knowledge we are one & z same } ><
đ¸ @danielcloughphotography
samhain #allhallows #allsaints #martyr #witch #burning #pagan #newyear #ancestors #ancestry #history #remember #dayofthedead #diadelosmuertos #death #muerte #trauma #earthworship #witchart #earth #newculture #ancestral #intergenerational #ancestralhealing #healing #magic #spell #poetry #poet #rhyme
Logo design
“Lovers donât finally meet somewhere. Theyâre in each other all along.â – Rumi >< what message do yew spy in this anagram typography? Hint : designed for an aptly named festival in Oregon >< art brain delight challenge to form a heart mirror from this word >< created to remind each other to seek this state of relating in all interaction >< #typography #handlettering #originals #original #design #designer #handdrawntype #handdrawing #graphicdesign #logo #logomaker #inks #handcarved #stamp #stamps #stamping #rumi #anagram #visualart #visualanagram #mirror #mirrordesign #art #artist #logodesigner #logodesigns #patch #ispy #handmade