Bodywork dominance : accompanied allowing
“This is aš meaningful aš giving birth and sitting with aya” shared a congregant during integration of our 5 hour bodywork ceremony several days ago.
“I knew I needed to call you. There were portals that had been opened during the aya journey that were restored and closed today.”
Later the congregant whispered, “it’s been so long”. I tuned into an echo within, sharing, “this was waiting to make sure someone was really listening”. As the congregant started softly sobbing, I turned my focus inward again through my hands and into their psoas, the muscle of the soul, becoming supple + soft through persistent physical presence, relief from a lifetime of tenderizing taut armoring.
This congregant had previously been in so much pain that they were unable to walk.
The pelvic bowl was the tension epicenter, my hands deep inside the most vulnerable viscera.
In relief they said “Thank you for being so trustworthy”.
I replied, “it’s the easiest thing in the world because I cannot do anything else.”
{friends are currently telling me my ethical code needs to be less extreme, as I don’t want to exist if it means I am harming others, and it is proving difficult to sustain}.
This is intuitive intimacy, there is no rote formula. empathy > efficiency.
As a healer I am a force for encouraging supple surrender, my body a blueprint for state sought. I offer myself as an instrument for divine Love to play me to widen the capacity of others to allow more love to flow through them.
Technically everyone can learn this, but in the overarching culture we are not educated in how to get our ego out of the way to become a hollow bone to conduct love without attachment, imprinting inherent wholeness even in the freedom of experimental innovative imperfection.
Ideally God is a service top for your growth.
Divine dominance, in service to splayful splendor, widening wonder, allowing yourself to open further than you dared dream possible by a gentle guide.
This is how dominant energy can be used for good. Going with you into dark, tight, constricted places and holding sustained compassional physical presence there until a rapturous release.
In this energy I am steady Nourishment, strong, primal listening with all of my somasense. All of my perception inside the body I am in contact with, sensing impact, where energy is blocked, and how it is asking to be liberated.
Dominance / submission aš shared transpersonal trance
During the integration harvest the congregant said “You were there with me, in the cosmos, I don’t have to tell you”. I nod, yes, I was riding the writhing coiling constellation of stars that was the movement metaphor in transpersonal touch as the tension transformed.
Days later they shared “I feel limber and nourished”.
What do you surrender to?
If you are discerning perhaps you have never been able to fully trust into giving yourself over to another. I pray that you find someone who is deserving of your vulnerability that can hold you in sacred submission.
Somatic experiencing tells us that our nervous system, as a survival strategy, will only let us go so far into releasing when solitary. You did not get to this point solo, and this unwinding work has to be done together. May you find the attuned support your system is seeking. You are not meant to carry this alone. We are all co evolving even when the threads in the web of our interconnection seem invisible.
I & this work are seeking a nature temple to share this wisdom on a donation basis via our federally recognized church, <1.5 hours within radius of the bay, ideally within walking distance to swimming water. In abundance? Reach out.
📸 Spencer Handley of RxR dripping in IMBŌDHI Activewear + SnipTease Clothing ice domming w/ Trevor Z Hallstein