On addressing the assumption that breasts are automatically a massage no touch zone :
Purrrhaps I am just a radical bodyworker speaking from the experimental evolving edge of theraputic touch, but it bothers me that breasts are always excluded from massage/contact, even among friends outside of a professional context.
I am advancing the position that the potential for theraputic breast contact should be an open conversation between a practitioner & their bodyworker rather then de facto off the table {punny} .
As I have discovered in deep explorations with fellow radbodyworkers, the immune, hormonemotional {= hormone + emotion}, & detoxifying systems of the body benefit greatly from breast massage. {posts on the specifics of how this is connected to the lymphatic system’s function to come}.
When you consider that {female bodied} chests aka breasts do not recieve this tissue flushing touch, combined with the cultural shaming/judgement of women who do not wear bras (which constrict circulation) the rising rate of breast cancer is not surprising.
{while also acknowledging in this short constricted snippit that hormones in meat & dairy animals, estrogen mimics such as soy, etc are also strongly contributing factors. I am merely postulating here that this stagnation in our systems due to lack of movement / touch / milking lymphatic tissue multiplies this maladaption }.
Heaven knows these knockers would benefit from no-judgement bare breast normalcy & a new cultural understanding of openness towards being touched with tenderness regularly / casually / in a friendly manner….a la touch friends with benefits?
. : Mull with me here : why is the currents status quo is as it is? What would make this new way more broadly accessible?
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