Using your whole body as a massage tool :: { Somatic Magic } = body bilocation : many body parts are contacting you at once, multiplying the benefits of the massage.
Instead of one point of pressure, you can receive contact in several areas of various intensities.
Areas can be completely swaddled in an embodied blanket, recieving parasympathetically activating pressure from all sides & primally relaxing the nervious system at a preconscious level.
Depending on the situation & your structure I may use my full weight or unexpected portions of my body such as the top of my head, shoulder, ribcage, chin, sacrum, side of hips, feet…
Using my whole body allows access to types of pressure, leverage, angle, & torque that are impossible to generate with the limited range of most bodywork styles that use solely the hands, wrists, & forearms.
If you are a first time receiver of { Somatic Magic } you probably will not know where my body is in relation to yours intially, but the skill of tracking body position in space will increase as we continue to work together to deepen your SomaSenZ : {dilating sensitivity to somatic signals through cultivating your entire body as a unified sense organ}.
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