
Heart-On : using chest & heart in { Somatic Magic } bodywork allows the electromagnetic field of participant’s hearts to come into deep overlap & resonance.
Using your heart in such an intimate physical & energetic way through SomasenZ makes easy the way for vulnerability, tenderness, and compassion to emerge.
Chest on chest compression also allows for feeling the heart beating directly & syncing breathing patterns, building rapport & providing a physical reminder for all playmates to breathe deeply to oxygenate the body & slow the heart rate, encouraging a trusting ‘rest and digest’ parasympathetic nervious system state.
When I am working on someone my heart / emotional sense system offers me images that are revealed during verbal harvesting as fragments of memory or the feeling tone of a trauma that has frozen in the body of the receiver.
When I compassionately hold presence in pressure these contracted places are able to thaw and that frozen energy can return to availablity to the system rather then being an armored place of protective patrolling.
It is time to de-armor our amor and help our hearts hold each other in healing. We cannot selectively numb : when we bury particular memories & emotions we reduce our overall capacity to feel both our deepest desires & needs as well as accurately & openly track those of others.
Yes feeling your heart breaking out of its protective shell can feel raw, but this is how we expand our capacity to feel more deeply. I have been called to offer this work to hold you in this process of breaking open to expand your empathetic container. .
In the end when we open to feeling we have more access to sensory input at subtle levels, thus increasing our intelligence as we can access greater swaths of the subconscious as it speaks through the body.
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