:: Sanctuary Space :: Rest Nest ::

:: ECORegulation :: Rest Nest ::

:: Rest Nest :: If you were a humanimal making a nest for safety and comfort, what would it look and feel like ? If you were taking care of your inner infant / child, where would you put yourself to be safe? Does this nest look or feel like the nest of another animal? How have you made your nest to hold your specific shape ? What about your nest makes you feel safe?

Physically make your :: Rest Nest :: if you can, or draw / write out / make a dance / art about what it looks and feels like for you to be there. 

:: Integration ::

How can you incorporate aspects of the :: Rest Nest :: into your life?

Do you have a cozy outfit that can be a clothes cuddle? Can you sew fuzzy patches of your favorite soothing material onto your garments?

Take your :: Rest Nest :: with you everywhere by creating a 

:: Sanctuary Space :: i

n your mind.

In detailed visualization, create a :: Sanctuary Space :: in your imagination that you feel safe and held in. What people, places, pets are there? How does your body feel ? Are there spaces to sit and lay down? Any poses your body wants to go into ? What colors are there ? What nourishment is available ?

Still from : Nidverno : 
Nid(ify): {To make a nest} / (In)verno {winter}
how might we remember regulation with the earth through attuning to rest as a reconfiguration, not mere pause? not rest due to exhaustion, but because of metamorphosis. rest not as escape, but as an inquiry into how stillness sustains life. what if we were to weave a sanctuary out of the broken pieces of our world, of our identities, of our failures, our shortcomings and our excesses? and, like the bird’s nest made from ephemeral fragments of the forest, protect and nourish the potential for new life. what if our spirit’s ripening, our revolutionary dreams and our species survival depended on reviving this terrestrial intimacy: learning to recycle our brokenness into the sanctuaries that will birth unknown worlds. 
Film by Francesco Passalacqua (escolacqua.com)
Ritualist: Bae Laurel 
Tree: Bae Laurel (Laurus nobilis)
Audio track: Tyler Holmes (@thetylerholmes)
In Residency @ SomaSanctuary with X Razma’s EcoRegulatory Prompts 
Inspired by We Will Dance with Mountains, with Bayo Akomolafe