We are the { movement : movement : movement :: revolution }
amplifying awareness of body temple
community communion :
movement meditation medicine : sacred somatic sacrament
magnifying mobile magnetic~energetic field
shared rite in time~space
where bodies come to pray
presence piloting physicality
vessels channeling spirit, scene, & story
delighting in conscious corporeal canvas of surface & structure
exquisite sensation combinations
performed in playful proprioception
exponential multiplication of in~joy~ment
in experimentally expanding sensation palette
manifesting motivating motion
mirror neurons mentally modelling mutual mobility map
delivering delicious dopamine direct to the dome
bountiful body bliss instilling inspirational impulse to
energetically enrobe in empathetic engagement
averting from treadmill of goal-grasping attachment
true treasure ~ present presence
bountiful basking in un-replicable radiance :
blooming womb/tomb transcending transitory transition
wisdom wearing bodies distinctly in metamorphose
pleasure practice producing continual contextual content co-creation,
callisthenic calibration, innovation, & adaptation
each empath an epic echoing eons
patterned in prose
theatrically threading together time
weaving waveforms
immediately integrating insights
seeding spooling spirals in space~time
modelling mystery in motion
meeting materiality maternally
lengthening lifetimes engaging in evolving empathy
in native tongue of touch :
translating tactile texture & traction
communicating content in dynamic 5~D data density
freed from fetters of flatness ~
flowering fractalizing facets flowing
Interdimensional introspection
meaning multiplying, moving beyond dwindling dried~up depth of dependence
on context~stripped confusion & chaos common in mono~communication
roam :
Interconnectors cross-pollinating globe ~ gathering to
world wander in wonder
finding far~flung family in
enfolding embrace
reconnecting in reaching out
squishing into synergistic species
rejoicing in reuniting
celebrating collective company
cultivating co~creative capability to
hold holistic healing home in heart
gathering in attuned awareness
reducing resistance & rebirthing into resonance
nourishing gnosis
{ local & long-range }
in awe~amplifying healing~harmonizing feedback fields
collective caring
cherishing community
universe in~formed by plurality of perspective
exploring our~self
learning collaboratively
relationally recollecting reciprocity
embracing emotions as soul song
expressed easefully in flow ~
fantastically far from frozen in fear of feeling
fully relaxed, receptive, & responsive
to reflection & repatterning
summoning safe space
sensing subconscious mapped in moving body
transmuting trauma & triggers
unlocking power previously padlocked & patrolled in projection
liberating bound & buried becomings
redirecting service to positive purpose
curiously catalyzing capacity to create capabilities
carefully encouraging exploration of elongating edges
cultivating fertile soil, tending growing evolutionary edge
somatic sages beyond ages
co-creating curative cultural change
boldly birthing a potent pregnant paradigm
grounding graceful gratittude
reverberating in re-membrance of wholeness
daringly dream dancing ~
in so doing, sharing stories for freeing forthcoming future
living destiny
embodying earth in heaven
welcome to the { movement : movement : movement ::
revolution }