May I Be the Medicine of the Moment

photo by Taliesin Gilkes-Bower

>< Hold me to my prayer ><

.May eye be z medicine of z moment

All action attunement & atonement

Coalescing collaborative creation : celebratory creative community component

Embodied ensoulment.. .

>< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< >< ><.

My a{bod}e altar

Actualized, vibrant, never falter

To serve plants & planet, life offering love leaping unlocked vaulter..

. >< >< >< >< >< .

.Tuned to soul song

Harmonic healing unheeding heeling, wholehearted, headlong

overflowing waterfall in which all belong

Revelatory rapturous river serpentine, strong

Magnetic attraction gathering throng.. .

>< >< ><.

Seeing as medicine sees

Sought out, holding ceremonies

Offerings fully received & deeply please

Helping all beings get freed of frenzy & freeze.. .

>< >< ><.

May medicine move me

Focus changing from doing to be :


Are One ::

making purpose fun!

Work as play ecstatically done.. .

>< >< >< >< >< ><

.May life be love without end

Intimate tender openness tend

Every being met as an old friend

Vulnerability z default trend.. .

>< >< ><.

May what is most in scrumptious service be given willingly & keen

Better then anyOne of us knew to dream

Unimaginable blessings, felt & seen

.. >< >< >< >< ><.

Eye choose learning lessons in laughter

Eye choose co-creating z world of heavenly pasture

Eye choose to know all dimensions, {switch} servant as master… >< .

#thankyouplantmedicine #plantmedicine #plantintelligence #wachuma #sanpedro #cactusmedicine #medicineplants #medicineplant #plantlove #plantpoems #ecosexual #witch #switchywitch #plantworship #medicina #graciasmedicina #plantceremony #grandfathermedicine #plantprayer #plantmedicines #plantmedicinewoman #decriminalizenature #cognitivelibery #entheogen #entheogens  #entheogenic #entheogenicart #psychedelicart #psychedelicwritings #psychedelicpoetry