
Heart-On : using chest & heart in { Somatic Magic } bodywork allows the electromagnetic field of participant hearts to come into deep overlap & resonance.
Using your heart in such an intimate physical & energetic way through SomasenZ makes easy the way for vulnerability, tenderness, & compassion to emerge.
Chest on chest compression also allows for feeling the heart beating directly & syncing breathing patterns, building rapport & providing a physical reminder for all playmates to breathe deeply to oxygenate the body & slow the heart rate, encouraging a trusting ‘rest & digest’ parasympathetic nervous system state.
When I am working on a reciever my heart / emotional sense system offers me images that are revealed during verbal harvesting as fragments of memory or the feeling tone of a trauma that has frozen in the body of the receiver.
When I compassionately hold presence in pressure these contracted places are able to thaw & this frozen energy can return to availablity for the system rather then being an armored place of protective patrolling.
It is time to de-armor our amor & help our hearts hold each other in healing. We cannot selectively numb : when we bury particular memories & emotions we reduce our overall capacity to feel both our deepest desires & needs as well as accurately & openly track those of others.
Yes, feeling your heart breaking out of its protective shell can feel raw, but this is how we expand our capacity to feel more deeply. I have been called to offer this work to hold you in this process of breaking open to expand your empathetic container.
In the end when we open to feeling we have more access to sensory input at subtle levels, thus increasing our intelligence as we can access greater swaths of the subconscious as it speaks through the body.

amor #love #vulnerability #vulnerable #heart #hearts #heartcentered #heartculture #hearttribe #hearton #heartfelt #heartbeat #heartbreak #heartbreaks #heartbreaking #heartbreaker #heartwarming #chest #chestday #chesty #chestworkout #empathy #empathetic #compassion #feel #feels #feelmore #emotion #emotionalintelligence #emotions

Heart to Heart Massage : heart moving // moving from heart >< . when we slow down & sync with blood + breath + bone we sense with our hearts the hidden holed up happenings within ><
listening to soft subtle sensation in this time of amped up arresting action is an actualizing awareness art .

Attune : awaken awareness .

< sensitivity is strength >< .

I practice feeling deeper, allowing my heart to balloon, full, feeling, expanding with emotions : resonant with the challenge & privilege of physical existance, swelling, overflowing my carapaced container, breaking open, a soft space to surrender into, self & other swaddled >< .

Nestling, nuzzling into the nourishment of this non judgemental nest we rest in recieving the gift of presence in pressure without prose // the body can communicate in feeling much more then what the mind knows ><
. . . “Indigenous cultures’ understanding of the heart’s capacity for sensory perception and cognition was far different from the kind of mushy sense of heart we now have in the West. To the ancient cultures, the heart was a sophisticated organ capable of both perception and a unique form of analytical thought, a thought that was oriented around images filled with feeling, a synaesthetic perceptual sensing that uses a specific form of imagination… [this] seeing [is] often affected by… Internal state… so… caretaking and work on the self is essential. Feeling so deeply actually involves feeling deeply and, because the heart and the self remain open, undefended, not dissociated, all the consciousness modules, all the parts of the self are affected. Stuff comes up. And that can affect the capacity to do the work.” (Stephen Harrod Buhner, Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm, pg. 341-343).

hearttoheart #heart_imprint #heartmade #heartthrob #heartopener #hearttouching #heartchakra #heartbroken #heartbreakclub #dothework #heartopening #indigenous #heartmedicine #openyourheart #heartopeners #emotive #emotionalsupport #emotionalhealing #emotionally #caretaker #takecare #feelings #feelbetter #inmyfeelings #feelfree #highlysensitiveperson #sensitive #brokenheartquotes #brokenheart #heartquotes

Have you milked your Lymphatic system today? .
Imagine yourself as lactating bovine ::
substituting milk for lymph in your mind ::
movement keeps the lymphatic system flowing in its prime ::
thus massaging your tissues maintains your health, divine! . . >< . . .
Lymphatic tissue abounds in the breasts, chest, neck, & underarms.
The lymphatic system does not have its own dedicated circulatory organ (unlike the blood, for example, which has the heart as a hardworking pump).
The lymphatic system relies on muscle contractions / motion to carry lymph throughout the body ~ transporting immune agents (such as white blood cells) & detoxifying the body.
{ Somatic Magic} techiniques make possible the milking of lymphatic tissues through applying broad, soft rolling pressure in a patterned waveform. . . . .
Embodied education = embodieded = body school

breast #breasts #breasthealth #breastmassage #lymphaticdrainage #lymphaticmassage #lymphatic #lymphaticsystem #lymphmassage #milking #lymph #lymphaticdrainagemassage #lymphdrainage #immunesystem #immunebooster #immunesupport #immuneboost #immunehealth #immune #immuneboosting #immunesystembooster #immunesystemsupport #immunity #immunityboost #detox #detoxify #detoxifying #detoxing #detoxmassage #detoxification

On addressing the assumption that breasts are automatically a massage no touch zone :
Purrrhaps I am just a radical bodyworker speaking from the experimental evolving edge of theraputic touch, but it bothers me that breasts are always excluded from massage/contact, even among friends outside of a professional context.

I am advancing the position that the potential for theraputic breast contact should be an open conversation between a practitioner & their bodyworker rather then de facto off the table {punny}

As I have discovered in deep explorations with fellow radbodyworkers, the immune, hormonemotional {= hormone + emotion}, & detoxifying systems of the body benefit greatly from breast massage. {posts on the specifics of how this is connected to the lymphatic system’s function to come}.
When you consider that {female bodied} chests aka breasts do not recieve this tissue flushing touch, combined with the cultural shaming/judgement of women who do not wear bras (which constrict circulation) the rising rate of breast cancer is not surprising.
{while also acknowledging in this short constricted snippit that hormones in meat & dairy animals, estrogen mimics such as soy, etc are also strongly contributing factors. I am merely postulating here that this stagnation in our systems due to lack of movement / touch / milking lymphatic tissue multiplies this maladaption }.

Heaven knows these knockers would benefit from no-judgement bare breast normalcy & a new cultural understanding of openness towards being touched with tenderness regularly / casually / in a friendly manner….a la tactile friends with benefits?
. : Mull with me here : why is the currents status quo is as it is? What would make this new way more broadly accessible?

breast #breasts #breasthealth #breastmassage #lymphaticdrainage #lymphaticmassage #lymph #breastmilk #breastcancer #breastcancerawareness #boob #boobsqueeze #boobs #boobies #freetheboobies #freethebreast #freethenipplemovement #freethenipplecampaign #freethenipple #freethebody #edgy #controversial #boudoir #boudoirphotography #boudoirinspiration #bodypositive #bodypositivity #friendswithbenefits #nobra #nobraclub

Mutually milking lymphatic tissue : symbiotic { Somatic Magic } :

In the highest order of { Somatic Magic } massage is mutual.

Here I demonstrate using a Bodywyrming inch worm technique to apply pressure to points in a rolling weight wave succession to milk lymph. The technique shown allows me to elongate the spine of my sub & traction their hips while simultaneously milking the entire front body of my lymphatic system (including neck, chest, breasts, organs, groin, and inner thighs). The subs position on knees curled up in fetal is also compressing their lymphatic system & depending on the position of their upper body + arms this pose can also be used to milk their underarms in a stomach down position (typically a harder to access point from that angle).
Working with the chest in this way has the added side benefit of safe breath play and expanding the capacity of the lungs to take in air {after some compression & constriction ;P}
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Practitioners can also mutually milk lymph in the Hear+oHeart  chest on chest pose demonstrated in the pink photographs previously posted.
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Merry milking !
Being called forward in my communities to teach my bodywork style publically : let me know what topics you’d like to learn more about & in what form : one on one, workshop, play shop
& whether online or in person. .

lymph #bodywork #massage #bodyweight #lymphaticdrainage #lymphaticmassage #lymphatic #lymphaticsystem #traction #hormoneregulation #milking #submission #femdom #bodydom #bdsm #dominatrix #bsdmsubmissive #bdsmdominant #bdsmgirl #bdsmlifestyle #breathplay #bdsmlove #breasts #boobs #booty #massagetip #massagevideo #bootys #butt #assumetheposition