Burning Man Green Dot Ranger Training : altered states of consciousness can be challenging : a sanctuary with trained sitters holding space can address many issues preemptively before ballooning or spiralling loops make them undeniably uncomfortable : through well located and staffed sanctuaries care can be taken to meet basic primary needs and move up Maslows’s heirarchy as well as provide a known location point to bring those in spiritual emergency : GD Ranger training focuses on how to aid those in challenging altered states or disoriented – safekeeping their physical bodies & acting as a consensual reality anchor. As a deep green 8 year Ranger Eye am known for mEye abilities as a grounding rod, especially after recieving a hugjustment. Ranger Razberry in service to spiritual soaring & excavational exploring : where does harm reduction become benefit enhancement? #bmrangers #burningmanrangers #rangers #burningman #harmreduction #benefitenhancement #greendot #sitting #sitter #holdingspace #psychedelicharmreduction #psychedelic #challengingalteredstate #trippingtip #trippingtip #alteredstate #groundingrod #consensualreality #sanctuary #somaticsanctuary #razberry #hugjustment #rangerrazberry #safekeeping #watchingover #Marinelayer #dew #mist #raindrops #spiritualemergency