professional listening:
I have classically trained rigorous academic background in Human Development and Psychological Services from Northwestern University and experiential expertise in Transpersonal Somatic Psychology / Expressive Arts from the California Institute of Integral Studies. This graduate level study and experience as an empathetic listener is coupled with over 10 years of work in a diversity of psychedelic harm reduction models – providing ‘spiritual emergency’ aid to those in the midst of a challenging altered state of consciousness through the Burning Man Rangers (Deep Green Dot Ranger Razberry), the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) Zendo, The Full Circle Tea House, and for events and gatherings both public & private, and large & small (‘Strangers’, ‘Dream Rangers’, ‘Angels’ etc.). I am also grateful to hold space and perform healings in a ceremonial context with a diversity of circles and prayer groups.
I create a non-judgemental field of unconditional love to empower your highest self-realization, generating an enveloping environment bursting with inspired activation through embodying a ‘secure attachment base’ and reality anchor. I specialize in integrating insights from transformative experiences (timeless, meditative, psychedelic, psychological ’emergence-ies’) into daily life through grounding and strengthening newly realized patterns into physicality. I have experience in creating and maintaining group healing fields (SomanautZ is the performance healing production form of this).
My presence is supportive, open, non-reactive, and receptive & I continue to expand my container through educating myself about a diversity of client populations.
I have familiarity working with populations identifying with / engaged in the following : polyamorous, kink, BDSM (bondage / discipline, domination / submission, sadism / masochism), LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, asexual…), OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), BFRB (body focused repetitive behaviors), emotional abuse, and those with embodied traumas.
My academic studies of group dynamics are also practically informed by my lifelong history of living in and starting intentional communities. One of my life’s purposes is to create a network of healing intentional communities and I am deeply invested in helping to create and share the structures that make maintaining supportive cooperative living easeful.
Community Consultation & Conflict Resolution
I have lived in intentional community all of my life and spent 5 years as a ‘house mom-ager’ in the MOSAIC student housing coop during my time at Northwestern University. Through several years of participation in the North American Students of Cooperative (NASCO) I was trained in Non-Violent Communication and community specific mediation skills. Additionally, I was the founder of a Somatic Community called Soma Home that operated as a Somatic Sanctuary for the Conscious Dance / Healing Communities of the East Bay in the Berkeley Hills for 4 years (before the owners returned and reclaimed their house). I currently manage and reside in Wyldflowering, a retreat center I am the community founder of in the Santa Cruz Mountains.