quotes from brainwashing and the Cults an expose on capturing the human Mind by Paul a. Verdor Verde PhD published by Willshire Book Company 1977 in Hollywood California
According to the military, brainwashing exerts psychological pressures that humans cannot withstand. Page one
The first principle, which I call the quote muscle sense principal quote will used far back in The Mists of time when Aborigines conducted War dances to release in salt from Fear. Page 3
this book explains brainwashing so that we may have a deeper knowledge of how we may be mentally abducted by individuals or organizations 5
Are archaic Insanity laws or the doctrine of undue influence the doctrine of undue influence must be revised to include brainwashing as a new and frightening reality of American Life Page Six
It can be said that a sling for a political reason, although premeditated, and studied compassion although not condoned.6
The court asks quote was the Mind impaired to such an extent and in such a way as to result in some particular incapacity? And quote or was that capacity diminished? Page 7
The Durham rule is referred to as the product rule it has caused the overturning of many guilty verdicts page seven
Quote wall under style and quote without adding the word quote hypnosis unclog quote wall under style and quote without adding the word quote hypnosis unclog to know it’s a situation that stimulates thought in the field of criminal law. Pasties
The brainwashed per person is conditioned by punishment for undesirable beliefs and rewarded for expressing desirable beliefs. This is the method reserved for those government agencies who have infinite amount of time, resources and Personnel. Yet there are also more scientific techniques which use the hypnotic response and, through guilt Association and the dampening of inhibitions, achieve alterations of beliefs without torture. 13
Threat of death Patty Hearst was confined and restrained. According to reportsshee was tied up, blindfolded and confined in a closet for a considerable length of time. Isolation and physical restraint are very important factors in brainwashing
Sex Patty Hearst identified with her abductors as a source of comfort and reassurance. Page 18
MansonFearIsolation no clock newspaoersSex in sex there is no wrong eradicate inhibitions Indentification father surrogate Statistician. I constantly preaching on an almost daily basis, Manson gradually erased many of the normal inhibitions is followers had been raised with. In addition, he taught his followers an amoral philosophy which both fulfilled many of their personal and psychological needs; this provided self-justification and released from guilt further acts. Page 20
Embryonic prostitutes
The Russians as well as others know that radio waves affect certain portions of the brain; and they probably used his knowledge in their political conditioning methods. A similar technique of hypnotic indoctrination called rhic – Edom would stand for radio hypnotic intracerebral control electronic dissolution of memory has been described in a domestic intelligence agency document 22
Brainwashing in quasi religious cults. Today brainwashing techniques in less sinister form are used by popular, quasi Eastern religious called. These cults use only a relatively mild form of brainwashing that lacks the extraordinary methods of physical coercion associated with political indoctrination. The trance-like states that cult activities produce in the cult members are the result of rhythmic bodily movement and of dirgelike chanting of nonsense syllables which have no action evoking potential. similar psychological states are also induce through the religious Act of praying in tongues which produces a pleasant effect often passed off as inspirational 23
Constant reinforcement
It is doubtful that his popularity will continue for a long time unless his organization somehow works out a plan for constant reinforcement, a requirement is it is doubtful that his popularity will continue for a long time unless his organization somehow works out a plan for constant reinforcement, a requirement if mass hypnosis is to turn into the longer-lasting brainwashing 25
Sun Moon’s technique of indoctrination includes prolonged intense prayer, endless lectures, fatigue from lack of sleep, and isolation from family – all familiar items in the brainwashing Arsenal. Page 28
Prayer is important in cult practice, but interestingly the words used in prayer do not have to be meaningful in order to be effective. As a matter of record, the less meaningful the words of the prayer, the greater the hypnotic effect of the prayer upon the subject. We have only to examine the highly therapeutic effect of “praying in tongues” – technically called glossalalia to see this demonstrated . In the traditional manner, the Catholic church for centuries conducted their prayers in Latin, which only a small portion of their parishioners understood.
Psychologist have shown experimentally that ‘ nonsense syllables’ that is, words that have no meaning – are more accurately accurately recalled than words that do have meaning. This may be due to the meaningless words having less Associated and inhibited content than meaningful words. Meaningless words seem to be more effective than meaningful words in accomplishing the hypnotic effect of prayer. It is interesting to note that some Moon conducts his two-hour sermons in Korean, which few of his audience understand; but the results are hypnotically effective. Page 28 and 29
Mass hypnosis is even more ominous in its implications than individual brainwashing, for the reason that the organized group is continuously reinforcing its effect upon its own members as well as continuously recruiting new members. page 30
from all of this data we shall see how the individual, in the future, can be far more effectively brainwashed, not through torture and pain, as is present, but through disinhibition and the bypass of the cortical block. Page 33
Inhibition of response is a normal function of the cerebral cortex. From the standpoint of psychology, disinhibition is a cortical block composed, in essence, with every negative action and discouraging word. It originates as the accumulation of negative, delaying and self-aware ideas brought about by prohibitions and regulations containing don’ts, cants, stops, and introspective delaying content.
Important also is every bad experience, failure, discouragement – any incident that causes the human being to stop, to delay, to doubt, or to become inactive and lost in thought. The average person, after a lifetime of programming with prohibitions, frustrations, and self-doubts, eventually becomes depressed and inactive, with feelings of guilt and hopelessness. gradually and insidiously, as the human ages, these inhibiting messages accumulate to the point where the individual becomes more and more inhibited, reflective, and I’m unhappy. In our contemporary society – it’s overabundance of unimportant laws, Customs, Mores, prohibitions and rules restricting Behavior – it is only inevitable that the memory, which is in the region of the cerebral cortex, becomes loaded with a lifetime of memories of these restrictions and frustrations. Psychological depression becomes almost inevitable. All too often the individual resorts to alcohol or drugs, at Great cost tois physical health. As a general rule, the greater the activity of the cortex in processing sensory input from the five major census, the more the cortex prevents messages entering or leaving The lower regions of the brain. 50
49 50
To deal with the non-conscious, unaware portions of the human mind, the inhibitory blocking action associated with conscious activity in the cerebral cortex must be dissipated. To reach down into the subconscious and the non-conscious, Consciousness must be either diminished or bypassed. 50
Another method for disinhibiting the person is used by hypnotists. In order for a person to become hypnotized, the cerebral cortex must disinhibited – it must not be allowed to block any instructions from the hypnotist when these instructions arrive at the cerebral cortex from the major sense organs.. Hypnotic techniques can be used to bypass the cortical block. The common approach used In stage hypnosis for removing the inhibited factor of the cerebral cortex is the intense stimulation of the muscle sense system through the voluntary muscles and limbs of the subject. Hypnosis can be induced with a minimum of muscle sense his stimulation provided that is simultaneously accompanied by disinhibiting verbal suggestions that do not meet with resistance, doubt, or analysis on the part of the subject. In clinical hypnosis, dr. Milton Erickson originated the hand levitation technique the the hand levitation technique relies the hand levitation technique relies the hand levitation technique relies upon the hand levitation technique relies upon the hand levitation technique relies upon the hand levitation technique relies upon the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the opposing the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the opposing the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the opposing flexor and extensor the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the opposing flexor and extensor muscles of an individual’s the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the opposing flexor and extensor muscles of an individual’s the hand levitation technique relies upon stimulation of the muscle sense system when stress and attention is placed on the opposing flexor and extensor muscles of an individual’s hand. page 52
activation of the muscle senses removes the cortical block and makes the human receptive to verbal command or suggestion. Is it a coincidence that in virtually every modern Army a soldier is conditioned to stiffen his body and come to attention before receiving orders? The muscular stimulation which comes from the cataleptic, eyes straight ahead, attentive stance helps overcome his will to resist, to doubt, or to question. It makes the soldier more receptive, more suggestible, and more obedientThe inhibitiveed function of the cerebral cortex is reduced 53
increased suggestibility is only one effect of stimulating the muscle sense system, however. Activity which induces muscles sense stimulation of the subcortical region of the brain also makes the human feel well. We have already Illustrated that euphoric effect when discussing disinhibition from drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Sensory inputs of All Sorts into the subcortical brain regions produce this euphoric effect. Individuals usually feel elated after attending a dance. Indians and other natives used a war dance to give them courage to fight. one seldom sees a sad, depressed man who is just run a mile or completed some constructed physical labor. 53 and 54
cortical disinhibition has both bad and good effects. The lessening of the cortical block makes the individual more suggestible, more easily controlled by others, less organized and in control. Disinhibition, however, also has the effect of giving the individual of a mild, euphoric sense of well-being. 54
James braid 1795 to 1860, when he first began experimenting with hypnosis, used the method of visual Fascination. He had his patients fixate their eyes on a small, shining object held a little above the patient’s eyes. This produced the greatest possible strain upon the eyes and eyelids, and enabled the patient to maintain a steady fixed stare upon the object. 58
The neuropsychological basis of hypnosis. Anatomically speaking, the muscle sense cells are located in and around the striated muscles of the body, particularly muscles under voluntary control. The sensory receptors of the muscles – the proprioceptors – include the senses in the semicircular canals of the ears and special receptors in the muscles, joints and tendons. These sensory receptors keep the body informed about balance, flexion and muscular contractions and movements in the limbs and joints. Input from these muscle senses go directly to the subcortical areas of the brain. When these inputs activate the subcortical area, certain basic inhibitory prophecies in the upper part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, are deactivated, and the normal thinking process is restricted. This is the physiological basis for the muscle sense principal of hypnosis 61
The subcortical regions of the brain have great influence on most of the individual human beings habitual responses, which constitute the majority of uncontrolled habits and behaviors. These subcortical regions are directly stimulated by input from the muscle senses, and the awareness of the sensations is essentially so mild and unnoticeable that they can be considered subconscious. Thus , when the muscle senses are activated, a sort of shortcut to the subconscious causes the conscious part of the brain to disengage from its normal, analytic, thinking function. The top part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, becomes less inhibitive. There is less delay in total response, reactions are faster, and there is little questioning or thinking. Most importantly, however, when the muscle senses activate the subcortical regions the individual become suggestible. This is the essential core of the hypnotic phenomenon. 61 62
because they function Socially, we may do many things with our voluntary muscles without ever being consciously aware that we do these things. The subcortical region of the brain is not to see if, however, because it, too, is subconscious, and is activated by even the smallest quantity of input from the muscle Sun system. Has a subcortical regions of the brain are activated, the cortical portions become deactivated and lose their inhibitory functions.
Indeed, the more intense the stimulation coming through the muscle senses, the greater the activity of the subcortical regions of the brain, and the greater the deactivation of the cerebral cortex. During the phenomenon of hypnosis, the cortical bypass is very pronounced; this results in a very dramatic loss of conscious awareness. 63 64
The proprioceptive principal of hypnosis. In a most General way the muscle sense principal can be stated as follows: muscle sensory stimulation directly activates the subcortical regions of the brain. During this activity the inhibitory function of the cerebral cortex is diminished; it is then that the subject is susceptible to hypnosis. 64
Control of breathing Minimizing distracting input from 5 sensesFocus sensory input on hearing Using hearing to give directions, instructions, or suggestions these are customarily restricted to commands or suggestions of a positive nature in order to take advantage of well-established mechanisms of excitation 65
as stated in the muscle sense principal, it is their activity of sense receptors directly upon the subcortical brain regions which is the major physiological basis of hypnosis. Involvement of the muscle sensory system can originate from a rigid State called catalepsy. Catalepsy refers to any posture in which hypnotic subject manifest inimmobility,Mobility, usually of the limbs, and is associated with a state of heightened suggestibility. In cataleptic conditions, patients make no movement of their own volition; but, if they are placed in no matter how uncomfortable and attitude, they maintain it for a very long time, Stacy Keibler in the textbook of Psychiatry. 65
Subcortical stimulation from the muscle sense system may be induced through catalepsy by directing a patient to simultaneously activate opposing muscle groups, for example, the flexor and extensor muscle groups of the arm. This rigid cataleptic condition creates intense muscular sensory stimulation to the subcortical region of the brain, the brain which, in turn, reduces the inhibitory activity of the cerebral cortex. The patient will not analyze, mentally, the suggestions given him, but will obeyinstantly.. 65 66
Similar cataleptic response can sometimes be induced without consciously using input from the muscular sensory system. Involuntary catalepsy through fright is discussed by Leslie M. LeCron in his book, Techniques of Hypnotherapy: “if a subject is to be hypnotized and is quite frightened, the operator can take advantage of this fear for easy induction. The frightened person is already in hypnosis or on the verge of it.” Through fright responses involve the autonomic nervous system, subcortical excitation which has been caused by Fear Can, physiologically speaking, feed back through the five major senses and the muscular sensory system. When this happens, the patient is already in a disinhibited suggestive state. 66
Driving hypnosis tapes things to do
the major effects of hypnosis. After hypnosis has been induced the ensuing period – during which the conscious, inhibitory functions of the cerebral cortex are diminished – is that time during which the patient is most suggestible. He will then follow directions or obey commands, without the conscious desire to question these orders as being anyone else’s but his own. Later on, after being brought out of hypnosis, and unless suggestions are given to the contrary, the patient feels unlocalized feelings of exhilaration and well-being. This is due to the decorticating, disinhibitory effects that accompanies intense muscles sensory stimulation of the subcortical brain regions. From the standpoint of the psychotherapist, this receptive period Can be used to reprogram the memory bank of the brain with positive action evoking and beneficial suggestions, information or Directions. These positive factors will eventually weaken and finally replace the negative, anxiety-producing messages in the memory. There are, therefore, two main direct effects of hypnotic trances: first, the suggestibility during the trance phase itself; in second, the general, mildly euphoric sense of well-being immediately following the hypnotic trance. 69
These post-hypnotic suggestions or remedial directions May, when applied in behavioral therapy, replace or weaken undesired behaviors and in their place implant desirable responses. These’s desired behaviors eventually gain ascendance after much repetition and reinforcement. 70
Hypnosis and brainwashing. Muscle Sense stimulation and hypnotic states are also important phases of the brainwashing process. The Russians understand the importance of stimulating the pain centers of the muscle sense system.
In a book by Kenneth Goff, brainwashing: the synthesis of the Russian textbook on psychopolitics, this is Illustrated: as an example of this, we find an individual refusing to obey and being struck. His refusal to obey is now less vociferous. He is stuck again and, and his resistance is lessened once more. He is hammered and pounded again and again, until at length, his only thought is direct and implicit obedience to that person from whom the force has emanated. This is a proven principle. It Is proven because it is the main principle man, the animal, has used since his earliest Beginnings. It is the only principle which has brought about a wide and continued belief. An individual who struck again, and again, and again from a certain Source, will at length, hypnotically believe anything he is told by the source of the blows.70 71
another Universal example of the decorticating events of muscle sensory stimulation and pain sense stimulation is the effective punishment of children, and a quote from Goff’s book: the behavior of children is regulated in this fashion in every civilized country. The father, finding himself unable to bring about immediate obedience and training on the part of the child, resorts to physical violence, and after administering punishment of a physical nature to the child on several occasions, is gratified to experience complete obedience on the part of the child each time the father speaks. 71 72
We are primarily attempting to define the internal response mechanisms involved in the concept of punishment. It is likely that there is a short period Of time following corporeal punishment when the child is in the state of Decortication – hypnosis, so to speak. This is the ideal time to plant a positive instructions for better behavior in the future. Unfortunately, parents today for the most implant negative and inhibitory commands during this critical suggestable post punishment period.. Phrases such as ‘ Johnny, don’t ever do that again’ , and other negative action retarding orders are all-too-common. The eventual results are the children in the long run become inhibitory in their General Behavior. This manifest itself in fears, Tremors, stuttering, and eventually anxiety, which affects the entire personality structure. The pist punishment phase of suggestibility could be better used to implant positive, better action directions. Children should always be told what to do, and seldom what not to do – aut leaves them confused and inhibited. 72
Profound and deep emotional states must be made to happen in order to brainwash the human from his old established patterns. Pain and fear, for the most part, has been the chief ingredients used to date to Garner confession and compliance from the political dissidents. Exactly why these cruel pressures have had to be used to cause the human to change and to comply has never been thoroughly explained. But it seems that no other measures to date have been found effective for brainwashing purposes.
in a non-technical way, we shall spell out a hypothesis to show that the special senses in the viscera (the interceptors} , when stimulated by strong emotion, have a unique effect upon the deepest regions of the brain. This effect causes one to become more compliant and disinhibited then can be accomplished even through hypnosis. We will tap and explore the deepest and most private roots of the behavior of man. We still go down past his subconscious, and to his non-conscious, right down into the unconscious. 73
brainwashing, by its very intent, has deeper and more permanent consequences than hypnosis, which has comparatively transient effects. Brainwashing creates radical and Lasting changes in beliefs and attitudes in order to attain its ends. Brainwashing can be slow, Insidious and sure when apply to Children early in life, for children have no previous beliefs and attitudes to be replaced. They will believe anything if they are taught it consistently enough and long enough. This is why the Communists, the Chinese and even Hitler were careful to indoctrinate Young Minds. Madison Avenue knows this also when it advertises sugar in cereal to children on television to put it on a more mundane level. With children, quote brainwashing quotes is essentially a process of conditioning through repetition; indoctrination, usually called education. 74
Andrew Salter, the American pavlovian exponent, has shown that when one realizes that the essence of the unconscious is conditioning, one is in a position to develop a sound understanding of the deeper aspects of human behavior. Conditioning, as we know it, is founded upon Associated reflexes that use symbols or words as triggers for automatic reactions. Brainwashing is basically conditioning, that is, the production of unconscious reactions in the human through the use of associative reflexes. in the brainwashing process, human behavior is treated in terms of its fundamental biological entities, not as metaphysical labels {which is the weakness of the psychoanalytic system}. Part of the brainwashing process implants deep inside the individual subconscious mind a simple motive, which is to submit to The Operators command and to follow instructions, executing them exactly as if one were acting a part. This role acting is triggered by an hypnotic cue, which may be directed by other parties or even by remote control. Remote control is today an electronic reality and a psychological possibility, for a person can be conditioned ‘psychotronically’ to cue in his own brain and nervous system. {Psychotronics is an Iron Curtain term for parapsychology.} 75 + 76
intensive stimulation of the subcortical brain regions by visceral sensory influence also diminishes the inhibitory functioning of the cerebral cortex, however. Witness the Sleepy complacency of the person who is just enjoyed a satisfying meal: the individual appears to be less negative, less inhibitory, and more agreeable and responsive. The person who has just finished eating has a vague feeling of well-being. There is a saying that, if you want to ask a favor of someone, wait until after he is Finished lunch or dinner, for your chances of getting what you want are better. There may be a lot of physiological truth to this saying. 77
some physiological reactions death such as those peculiar to fear, shock and anxiety – have an intense disinhibitive effect on the human brain. 78
During the period when the cerebral cortex is most inactive the unconscious is most accessible to external influence. 78
alcohol also seems to induce a disinhibitive state by means of the visceral sensory stimulation effects associated with intoxication, and the human is generally more pliable and manipulative when intoxicated. 79
To bring about a suggestible state in a short period Of time, It is necessary to trigger a very complex response; but this response must be conditioned to external rather than internal stimulation. The internal conditions involved in the autonomic functions of the visceral sensory system are not easily accessible to direct external influence.
There is evidence, however, that these complex responses can be conditioned to certain words, terms that, for instance, raise the anxiety level of the individual and dust trigger activity in the visceral sensory system. Even acute fear itself is dramatically tied into certain verbal suggestions. When his anxiety level is high, a person is usually in an increased state of suggestibility. Brainwashers as well as hypnotists acknowledged that an individual’s anxiety can be an aid in attaining their completely different objectives. 79
In general, when the anxiety level of a patient is at a high level, the patient becomes increasingly susceptible to hypnosis; and treatments employing hypnosis are usually quick and successful. 79 + 80
Trained clinical psychologist, with their knowledge of the emotional impact of therapeutic verbalizations, possess the know how to exploit the potential use of the visceral senses in order to induce hypnosis. Today, however, this real sensory stimulation is for the most part confined to the Sinister type of behavior modification, brainwashing. 80
Thus, the lower the form of life, the less the conscious awareness the animal possesses of what is going on in the external world. It is the animal like nervous structure in the human – the muscular and, especially, the visceral senses – which are activated for the purposes of hypnosis and brainwashing. The cerebral cortex seems to be that part of the brain which has the potential to generate the uniquely human feature of psychological torment, as well as virtually unlimited perception of the external environment and the ability to rise above all other forms of life. The same cerebral cortex must, however, become disinhibited g-disconnected, so to speak – if hypnosis and brainwashing are to be successful. 80 81
hypnosis is a conditioning process which enables to hypnotize individual to a stain to attain a state of dissociation – to function at the subcortical and even autonomic levels where the effects are pleasurable and little conscious memory is retained. In brainwashing, however, the visceral senses seem to provide the key, the direct access – a shortcut, so to speak – to the lowest regions of the brain. During a state of intense fear or acute anxiety, there is intense visceral sensory input to the lower brain regions. It is during this period That these lower brain regions become activated and cause a truly profound state of disinhibition. The cortex is more or less completely bypassed. It is during this profoundly disinhibited state that the effective brainwasher seeks to radically alter the basic beliefs, attitudes, and behavior patterns of his victims. 81