
by Rebekah Rebecca Wilo Fabrizio

Blessed Beltane :

be as it May

< may pleasure be for all : {wholey} birth each day

>< . multiplying love in what we do & say :

comfortable clarity to convey

>< . pleasure as leisure-work : reverential resume

>< . learning in laughter leading the way

>< . pluripotent peace come in play . < >< ><

may our pleasure be the pleasure of all : ecstatically we pray
. wanting wanted : enter frisky festive fray

>< . God&yes unite – inspiration inlay

– modelling One pathway

>< . mutual diving Oneness – overflowing bashful boundary into abundant bay

>< . splay swollen holding : gourmet display

>< . feast freak fay >< >< ><


thinningoftheveils #beltane #mayday #magic #poetry #prayer #makemagic #celebration #reverentialresume #ecstatic #Claw #sensation #freakfeast #godyes #wantingwanted #pleasureprayer #gourmetdisplay #artrousal #libidinallaughter #razma #SomasenZ #onenessinpleasure #hathor #harlotsforhathor #hathorharlets #sacredcourtisan #sensualspirituality #pleasure #poet #pleasurepoet