Workshop Offerings

Workshop offerings:

Psychedelic Crisis Response :

Green Dot Ranger Razberry shares crucial takeaways from over 15 years supporting intense psychedelic crisis response, including at Burning Man as a mentor, graduate study in transpersonal somatic therapy, ceremony, and new developments from their book ‘Guide for Guides : Ethical Trauma-Informed Psychedelic Support’. These teachings transmit life saving information on how to support peers through a spiritual emergency, including strangers you may encounter ‘in the wild’ at a festival. 

EcoRegulation : Nervous System Nourishment

EcoRegulation is nature-based nervous system nourishment. Translating the heady research of somatic psychology into playful physical prompts, EcoRegulation makes the therapeutic tools of regulating the nervous system available to all. Grounded in the mountain of scientific evidence on how to create states of calm via vagal tone modulation and developmental attachment theory, EcoRegulation teaches us how to practice self-sourcing soothing somatic sensations from the ecosystem. EcoRegulation generates touchstones of tactile training in frequently finding our center in low-states environments to ease-fully embody this de-escalation in emergency situations.

ECORegulation is a practice of ecosystemic co-regulating via physical play prompts & phrases which expand one’s sense of self to bloom as big as beloved belonging to the biosphere. EcoRegulation science pulls from polyvagal theory to promote a parasympathetic ‘rest + digest’ / ‘mate + relate’ mode – the natural fundamental foundation for the trust, intimacy, and openness that is essential for us to creatively co-evolve and thrive together.

Twerk Therapy :

Informed by somatic therapy trauma release work Reverend Razma melds movement & meta-analysis of the physiological animal body trauma response. Shaking & shimmying allow us to release trauma patterns that are frozen in the body & reset our nervous systems. Twerking gets us in touch with our waterbody, creating waves of celebration & bubbling luscious laughter when we connect to our wellness wellspring. When we open our pelvis, we unleash creative free flowing life force & emotional expression and feel the connection between mouth, voice, & hips. Being witnessed in a safe space & holding each other in a healing vibration normalizes group trauma release in dance as movement medicine. Come surf your sensation & awaken the waves of your waters.

SomaSenZ : Mutual Massage 

An edge-expanding empathetic embodied exploration in collective corporeal curiosity + co-regulatory compression. 

SomaSenZ aka ‘Rolling’ is Reverend 

Razma’s mutual massage style ~ enlivening the whole body into an ecstatically empathic embodied playground. An accessible playful praxis of somatic therapy skills such as coregulation & attunement create a state of nervous system nourishment. Parasympathetically promoted relational alchemy then proceeds through percussion, compression, contact improvisation, & wrestling ~ creating a pluripotent multiperson physicality that liberates expression & playtonic intimacy.

Sensual Wrestling : Undomesticated Primal Play

What are you wrestling with in yourself?

Learn how to track the truth in your body exquisitely, dilating your attention to identify the feast of flavors of your incarnate impulses with greater specificity, empowering you to ask for what you want in delicious detail.

Slowing to the pace of your own sensations, sink into yourself via physical presence in playful pressure, somatically grasped in supportive soft vulnerability.

Do you pursue impassioned physical presence?

Sharpen your skills of sensing the mutually informing impressions and impacts bodies have on each other by honing your focused awareness not solely to the points of contact, but delving past the surface skin deep into the visceral humanimal responses. Be witnessed in your wide-hearted wildness.

Do you crave compassionate co-regulatory compression?

Get squished and stretched into new shapes – physically and emotionally.

Learn how to resource and regulate your nervous system through self and shared touch. Find the frame of your tactile window of tolerance by exploring and expanding your empathetic embodied edges through high-contact corporeal curiosity and camaraderie.

Corporeal Consent : Collaboratively creating a Culture of Safe Abundant Loving Touch

Corporeal Consent teaches non-verbal affirmative consent, somatic redirects, body-based consent, and how to support those healing from trauma through talk and touch therapy.

Corporeal consent is a collaborative process of relational attunement, combining cultivation of precise perception of personal perspectives/preferences with confident communication through empathetic expression.

Corporeal Consent offers a space to practice

Inner awareness of preferences, communicating desires, setting boundaries, and building trust in relationships to create a space of high possibility for attuned abundant pleasure.