Dark feminine oracle Adey Bell is performing musical magic in Fairfax at the community church on SFD today at 8 pm. Do your golden shadow a favor and find yourself there.
Adey’s performances are unique as public social contexts in which you are welcome to embody unconscious parts of the self. Adey volunteers her soul craft as a vulnerable first volunteer and seasoned performer, setting a sonic stage for our shadows to be inspirationally illuminated by a multigenerational musical muse.
Adey sets a sumptuous sonic table for you to invite your exiled parts to be seen and generously served soulful numinous nourishment. The parts of you that you typically hide away have a place as honored guests at her modern theatrical temple. These prayerformances are empathetic experiments in trying on new characters to excercize + exorcize your psyche : gathering dispersed, dispelled, divorced, or distracted-from parts of yourself home to wholeness. In Adey Bell’s resonance, your freakquency flexes your resplendant range, access to the wisdom of fluid facets of your form restored.
When we have the mirror of art to provide a mobile plane for reflection we are able to see our psychological textures. Shapes without shadow are simply 2D planes without dimensional depth.
Tonight, celebrate the turning of the season and let the wall of your mask fall into a bridge to connection though a luscious musical medicine journey guided by Adey Bell.
Tonight I am surrendering to seduction, serenaded by sonic siren Adey as she gathers the witches, weirdos, healers, & deep feelers around the creative cauldron in chorus, where all of us are welcome.
For those unable to be present in person, give this channel’s work a listen to prepare for the upcoming lunar eclipse Monday. A sampling of my favorite songs are Great Mother, Devastavious, Intimate, and Remind.Her.
You get one more chance to catch Adey in the bay {she resides in North Carolina} tomorrow in Petaluma at a private venue.
Pic by @adey of RxR in Oracle88 upcycled merch {available at the show}.